Let me help you with the *stuff* in your life.
Whether it's reclaiming space in your home, prepping for and managing your move, or simply putting organizational systems in place to streamline your day-to-day, I love helping others make the most of their day, week, and life.
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As someone whose room was always a mess as a child, it wasn't until my first tiny NYC studio that I discovered a love—and need—for everything-in-its-place and the calm, grounded feeling that came with it. In the years since, I've worked hard to understand the connection we have with our belongings, why we cling to them, and how (& when!) to let them go.
I now work in spaces of all sizes—from full family homes to studio apartments—and find the optimal level of *sustainable* organization for each of my clients.
I look forward to helping you on your journey toward a more organized life!